R.I.P. Nokia OVI

Ovi is Ova! Nokia shuts its doors to everything Ovi.

It looks like Lori Baltazar, Anton Diaz, Joriben Zaballa, Enrico Dee, Jayvee Fernandez and Bryan Boy won’t be saying “I Ovi” anymore. According to an Engadget report, Nokia is slamming the door on its Ovi Label and will rebrand it to Nokia Services, which means no more Ovi Store, Ovi Maps and Ovi-everything. In memory of Ovi, here’s the “viral video” (looks more like a commercial) Nokia created to promote their Ovi service two years ago.

Did you Ovi? I sure hell did not and I’m glad I won’t be seeing the video above in Ayala Cinemas anymore. R.I.P. Nokia Ovi, we hardly knew you.


RIP Gravestone image from dennis-yu.com

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